☀️ Sun Calendar
A simple ICS calendar that shows daily sunrise & sunset times in San Francisco.
🗓️ Usage
Subscribe to this link (“by URL”) in your calendar app:
Sunrise and Sunset times for the current week should appear in your calendar like this:
![example calendar view](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b74367bc-9a3c-44dd-b00d-57a810d2285f)
For Google Calendar to to: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/settings/addbyurl
💻 Dev Usage + Notes
- To generate the isc file, run
- Uses this awesome free sun API: https://sunrise-sunset.org/api
- Uses isc python library https://icspy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
- The isc file is exposed by hosting on GH pages
- If you want to use a different location, just change the lat and long coordinates in
- You can get the lat and long coordinates from google maps by right clicking
- If you want it to auto-update, you’ll have to fork this and host it on your own github pages. You’ll have to update the workflow file to point to your repo too.